You Will be Able to Download Software Updates Using 4G Networks With iOS 15.4

Currently, you have the option to download and install software updates through WiFi and 5G networks. With the latest iOS 15.4 beta, Apple is moving forward to allow users to download software updates using 4G networks (via 9to5mac). This is a major step up for people living outside of the United States where 5G connectivity is not entirely available. Take note that the option to download over 5G network is only available for the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 series. This leaves older devices in the dust, restricting them to download software updates through WiFi only. However, iOS 15.4 will bring the option to all non-5G iPhone models, allowing them to download software updates not only through WiFi but cellular data as well. The change has been spotted in iOS 15.4 beta 3 which now shows an alert to users asking if they want to “Use cellular data for downloading?” It also mentions that if you disconnect from your WiFi, you can resume the update through cellular data, and “Additional usage fee will apply,” reads the prompt. iOS 15.4 also features a boatload of new forward-facing additions like using Face ID with the mask on, Notes in iCloud, Universal Control, new emojis, and much more. As mentioned earlier, iOS 15.4 rests in the beta stage at this point and if you are excited, this is when it could be released to the public. If you are a developer, you can check out the iOS 15.4 beta right now. This is all there is to it, folks. What are your thoughts on the subject? Share your valuable insights with us in the comments.

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